Zenon Komarniski

Hi there, my name is Zenon and I am the oldest of 3 boys where we all start with the letter “Z”. I find myself busy between being a real estate agent as well as a mortgage broker and making sure my Devon Rex cat is given his daily snuggles. I enjoy hockey and love to get out golfing when I can. I have 2 amazing boys who are starting their adulthood by going to college, so this has been a new experience for everyone. I was born here in Edmonton many many moons ago and have been an Oilers fan since the day I could stand and hold a hockey stick.

I have always been in the home industry as I am now on my 7th home and have done my own renovations since day one. My father was in flooring business for over 50 years, my brother owns his own flooring store in Vegreville, and my other brother is a contractor down in Calgary doing amazing well building homes, garages and into renos both residential as well as commercial.

I have created myself a very knowledgeable and experienced network of real estate lawyers, insurance agents, cleaners, inspectors, and anything else you think you might need when it comes to your home buying and selling process. Being a mortgage broker as well, I can answer any question you may have and get you pre-approved to start our journey together.

I consider myself a one stop shop agent who not only works with you on your home, but a lifelong friend that you can call, email or text at any time after we are done to get the best advice or have me connect you with someone who you might need to get your problem resolved.

C: 403.597.7955

E: [email protected]